Where’s your head?

Thursday, May 4, 2023
US Employees (except Expats & Hawaii)

Your mental health is critical to your overall well-being. Stay on top of your mental health with help from your healthy partners during Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond.  Access the resources below on the Castlight mobile app.

  1. Stress Less:  Is something weighing on your mind?SupportLinc can help. You and your dependents have access to free resources including eight counseling sessions per issue, per year. Health coaches can recommend strategies and resources for stress relief.
  2. Lighten your load:  Let Wellthy lend a hand with your complex caregiving needs. 
  3. Take control:  Worried about a recent diagnosis or treatment plan? Get a free second opinion from a top medical expert with Included Health.

The more you know, the healthier you'll go